Dated 29-06-1891

Gustav Mahler (1860-1911)'s will, dated Perchtoldsdorf (Vienna), 29-06-1891 (Year 1891) and witnessed by Dr. Emil Freund (1858-1928). Mein letzter Wille! Mahler leaves:

  1. Justine (Ernestine) Rose-Mahler (1868-1938): two-thirds of his estate,
  2. Emma Marie Eleanor Rose-Mahler (1875-1933): a third of his estate,
  3. Alois (Louis) Mahler (1867-1931): fl. 2,000,
  4. Otto Mahler (1873-1895): All of his books and manuscripts, plus a monthly allowance if he is under 24 years old;

Will Gustav Mahler (1860-1911), 29-06-1891, Year 1891.

Dated 25-08-1894Year 1894

Gustav Mahler (1860-1911)'s will, dated Vienna, 25-08-1894 (Year 1894) and witnessed by Dr. Emil Freund (1858-1928).

  • Similar provisions made,
  • Alois (Louis) Mahler (1867-1931): Is not mentioned at all,
  • Otto Mahler (1873-1895): "Mein ganze musikalischer Nachlaß, insbesondere die Manuscripte meinen Compositionen hat in den Besitz meines Bruders Otto überzugehen, welchen ich bitte die Veröfftentlichung und Drucklegung zu bewerkstelligen und zu überwachen." Note: Otto Mahler died 06-02-1895.

Will Gustav Mahler (1860-1911), 25-08-1894, Year 1894.

Dated 27-04-1904, Year 1904

See also Finance.

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